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Year 1 Early Maths and English skills really have a fun element in Year 1 as children master pencil control, how to form sentences, how to spell words using key strategies, how to explore Mathematical topics, calculations, problem solve and explore number through their surroundings and play!
Year 2 Maths and English skills develop so much in this Year group and children begin to really master and build upon their skills that they have learnt in Year 1. Handwriting develops, grammar is improving all the time, spellings are being mastered and used in every day writing, Mathematical topics are extended and further investigated, calculations are explored more in depth, children are beginning to understand how to problem solve and they are constantly being immersed in higher level vocabulary.
I offer either a 30 or 40 minute tutoring session to include any of the following aspects of learning: listening to children read and offering support and guidance in how to improve, story telling and comprehension style questions, forming letters and beginning to write using cursive handwriting, learning how to spell Year 1/2 words including Common Exception Words, writing stories,editing and improving and developing grammar! In Maths any topic can be explored and improved upon, strategies to learn number facts and times tables, understanding word problems and mental strategies. Fun quizzes can also be used to learn, develop and improve knowledge and skills. 
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